giggles are absolutely the best [chapel hill lifestyle family photographer]

I first photographed this family when big brother was one year old.   Now they’re a sweet family of four, whom many of you will recognize!! Thomas and Paul are soo much fun together.  I will never get enough of that kind of laughter – actually I think the world would be a better place if everyone could hear a teensy-tiny dose of that kind of laughter every single day.

I particularly love the story these images tell.  We started at the lake where they like to spend time as a family and then went to their house and captured their family as they are.  Full of so much spirit.

Thanks for letting me spend the morning with you!   Peace~Kathleen





Just a little side note here that I think is neat – the rocking horse was dad’s when he was little and was a part of our session two years ago when we were photographing big brother.   A part of family history. . .




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Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography since 2005, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.

Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography for over a decade, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.

Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography for over a decade, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.


