just a regular day. . . or not. . .[durham family photographer]

“It’s amazing how two little boys who were so mad that they had to go play on a playground so someone could photograph them could end up having SO much fun and actually WANT their pictures taken.”  That was the quote I heard from my good friend today.

That scenario is actually pretty common.  My sessions are all about having a good time with the people you love.  And a good time was definitely had that afternoon.  We hung out at the playground, just like a regular day.  Lots of spinny, dizzy-making fun.  But then there was the tail hunt. . . At first, they were adamant that there was no way they had tails.  But by the end, I think they started to wonder just a teeny tiny bit. . . maybe??  could it be possible??  hmmm. . . maybe a mirror check before bed is in order. . . I always love a good mystery, hee hee.

Great seeing you guys – looking forward to sharing the rest of these with you soon!

xoxo~ Kathleen

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Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography since 2005, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.

Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography for over a decade, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.

Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography for over a decade, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.


