Tag Archives: black and white

giggles are absolutely the best [chapel hill lifestyle family photographer]

I first photographed this family when big brother was one year old.   Now they’re a sweet family of four, whom many of you will recognize!! Thomas and Paul are soo much fun together.  I will never get enough of that kind of laughter – actually I think the world would be a better place if...

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publication [chapel hill fine art photographer]

I am incredibly humbled to be included in the recent  Family, Friendship, Lovers & Laughter publication.  This publication is the result of the Fresh M.I.L.K. competition, judged by renowned photographer Elliott Erwitt (www.elliotterwitt.com).  There were nearly 35,000 entries from all over the world.  150 winning photographs were chosen to be included in the book.  And...

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Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography since 2005, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.

Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography for over a decade, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.

Celebrating life and love with award-winning photography for over a decade, Kathleen Hunter Photography is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and serves the surrounding region, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, Mebane et al. Available for travel.


